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Karen J Chisholm

Karen J Chisholm has been writing and singing the songs God has given her since she began hearing the words along with the melodies when she became Spirit-filled. Later, when God began speaking to her in rhyme without melody, she simply wrote down His words and waited. One day when the notebooks filled an entire shelf, God said Publish.

What people are saying about the Book

Wendy in the Midwest

Inspiring and Insightful Christian Verse

Tough as Nails: Poems Inspired by God" by Karen J. Chisholm is a thought-provoking treasure of Christian poetry and song lyrics. Chisholm is an accomplished composer and lyricist, and here she shares a collection of her work to inspire us and get us thinking. Sometimes I am hesitant to read Christian poems and song lyrics because the big message (God) sometimes overshadows the message vehicle (the poetry itself), which can then become a clunky jalopy of trite concepts, forced rhymes, and awkward iambic pentameter. This is definitely NOT the case here.

Phil Bolos

Great poetry with powerful emotions

Tough as Nails: Poems Inspired By God by Karen J. Chisholm is a collection of poems about God and the way that the lord can impact our lives and guide us through the most difficult of times. The poems are short but written with clarity and passion that brings the reader closer to an understanding of what role God can play in his life. The rhythm and rhyme are engaging and brings a musical quality to the poems, and the messages are strong and clear. The poems' purposes are to help us get back up and get back to what we were doing, to teach us that we should not be living in sorrow but in happiness.


Great Poetry Collection

Tough as Nails: Poems Inspired by God by Karen J. Chisholm is a great collection of religious-inspired poetry. The title poem, Tough as Nails really resonates on a deep level. Sometimes we have to be tough in life in order to make it, to conquer our demons, just to get through. The author captures this intensity well. The imagery is sharp, real, and connected. All of the poems work here, pulling you in, capturing a myriad of emotions, and helping to heal. This is an appealing collection that will inspire you. Highly recommend.

Discover why readers can't put it down.

Poetry that makes you think about where you are headed.

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